Sunday, September 24, 2017

Love Your AirDrop - 10+ Ways to use Airdrop for Efficiency in the Classroom

Just tap Share from various app’s  and then select AirDrop.

  1. Airdrop an assignment you create (I like to create in Google Slides or Notability) and then saved in photos You can screenshot if you create on your iPad or on if you use your computer, here are directions to save a Slide as a JPEG.  Student use Edit and Markup (within photos) to complete the assignment (Directions for Photo Mark-up).
  2. Airdrop a PDF assignment/reading.  Student use an app like Notability to complete the assignment or iBooks to save to read anytime.
  3. AirDrop differentiated assignments quickly to students. Number off students and then have 1’s turn on Airdrop to receive assignment 1...
  4. Airdrop a Note with a checklist for a project or activities for the day or week.
  5. Have students AirDrop you their work for quick display on your projector, using your device. (I don’t leave my projector open for students to “take over” so this way I can still quickly display work.)
  6. Airdrop in-class bucks/award/certificates for good behavior (or warnings for bad behavior)
  7. Airdrop an image you want students to be able to add into notes (such as notability) to annotate.
  8. Airdrop a Google Quiz/Google Form
  9. Airdrop a website
  10. Airdrop links to games (such quizizz or jeopardy labs) to students who show you satisfactorily completed work.
  11. Airdrop Bellwork/Jump Start activities as student enter the room.
  12. Airdrop photos you want to discuss.
  13. Airdrop your presentation/notes to students.

Additional Thoughts
  • No WIFI or it doesn’t work?  AirDrop DOES!!  It’s a great back-up plan.
  • But - Airdrop does make it really easy for students to “share” answers.
  • Talk to students about appropriate use of AirDrop and expectations/consequences of cheating
  • I tell students it should be turned off, unless I ask them to turn it on. I double check during tests.
  • If at at possible make sure student devices are named (or numbered) to know who you are Airdropping.

**Creation Notes**

Creating assignments

I created many of the assignments in Google Slides.
You can then Download as a JPEG or PDF under the File menu.

How to use Photo Editing

How to use Photo Editing to complete assignments delivered as a photo.
FullSizeRender 5.jpg

Airdropping a PDF

From Email - I send the PDF I’ve created on my computer to my own email and open the attachment on my iPad.
My view after opening the attachment, to then AirDrop
Students will receive the PDF and choose how to open it.

From Notability -

From Notability
  1. Tap the Share Icon
  2. Tap Other Apps
  3. Tap Share Note
  4. Select Airdrop recipients

Monday, January 2, 2017

Keynote for Green Screen or actually “any screen”

Did you know you can use the Keynote app on our iPads to create quick and easy Green Screen Projects?

There is a tool called “instant alpha” that allows you to erase any color you swipe over.  You can take, or use, any photo you want, insert it into a Keynote slide and then with the swipe of a finger, take away any color.  

This actually means you don’t need to even have a Green Screen, just any solid colored background will work.

Here are the directions to an assignment I recently did in my class, using a green screen sheet and the Keynote app.  The kids loved it and it was very easy.  No extra app needed!

Time TravelerFile_000.jpeg
This assignment will have you “put yourself” into images from history using a green screen  and Keynote.

File:STC line 1 icon.png
Find images you will “go to”
Find an image(s) from the era (time period) we are studying that you would like to “put yourself into”.
Save the image into your photos on your iPad. (Tap and hold - save image or do a screen shot)
  (If you haven’t already created a folder for history class, this would be a good time to do that to keep your photos organized and easy to find)
Two, 2, Number, Together, ...
Prepare your Keynote
Open Keynote
Create a presentation.  Name it “Time Traveler”
Open a page that is completely blank  by tapping the + in the bottom left corner and selecting the blank page option on the bottom left..
Insert your photo by tapping the + icon in the top right. Select your photo.
Insert text and write a caption on the page explaining what is happening in the photo, as if you were there.  Include all relevant facts: Who you are with, when this happened, what is happening...
Create a page for each picture you will be creating.
File:Number 3 in yellow ...
Take your picture
(Monday we will do this - be prepared!!  Bring props if you want/need any.)
Examine your photo and decide on the pose you will be doing to fit into the image.
Take your photo, using your iPad, in front of the green screen.  You will need a partner to take the photo.  
Crop the photo, using the editing tools in photos,  to a small box with yourself surrounded by green.
File:Augsburg Tram 4.png
Insert photo &
Erase the Green.
Go back into your Keynote.
Insert the photo of yourself onto the image you will be in.
Make sure the photo is selected, tap the PAINTBRUSH icon.  Under the IMAGE tab - select INSTANT ALPHA. Swipe your finger  across the green to erase it.
Resize and adjust your image as necessary.
Number, Five, 5, Rectangle, ...
Save your photo
View your keynote slide in the full screen by tapping the triangle icon in the top right corner.
Do a screenshot to save this image into photos.
Go into photos and open your image to edit if necessary, i.e. make it black and white.
Submit your complete Time Traveler photo into our class google slide
show for this era and also add it to your class “History Book”.