Wednesday, January 10, 2018

QR code Classroom Idea #2: QR Codes for a Start to Classroom Activities

QR code Classroom Idea #2: QR Codes for a Start to Classroom Activities

I don’t know about you, but a class period is way too short for me.  I like my class to start immediately with a “Jump Start” activity (aka bell ringer) as students walk into my room.  I do this for several reasons; I have less discipline issues, students appreciate procedures, more efficient use of class time and if I have a student I need to touch base with, I can do so while others get started.  QR codes are an easy way to do this with no additional directions or teacher actions needed.

Here are a few things you could do with a QR code projected on your board as students enter your room:
  1. Link to a website to explore, find and list 3 interesting facts.
  2. A Google form: pretest, questions of the day, daily trivia, what do you wonder…
  3. A Padlet link for kids to brainstorm on.
  4. An image your want students to analyze.

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