Monday, December 28, 2015

Cornell Notes: Note Taking Done Differently

Cornell Notes: Note Taking Done Differently

One method of note taking I really like to use with students is the Cornell method.   The basic form is a two column note taking method to summarize what is being studied.  You can print out a form, teach students how to create this in their notebook or share a Google Doc.  I really like the Google option since it is easy to share with me or other students and it is less likely to get lost.

I've modified the original version for my classroom.  

Most models include a two column note taking system.  I've modified mine into three.  I've also added a focus at the beginning.  I like to have students use "I" statements related to the standard : "I will learn the 3 causes of ..." 

They also need to restate the essential question so they have a focus point as they read or watch a video.

I give them the key concepts they will come across as they study.  They can add additional ones if they choose.

I use this quite often and the students seem to do a nice job. It is easy for me to evaluate what they are actually understanding from the assigned material.  I also like to let students do note comparisons with other students.

Here is the Google Doc.   

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